Connecting Arvada: Transportation for All
Connecting Arvada: Transportation for All
Consultation has concluded.
Connecting Arvada: Transportation for All
The City is developing Arvada's first Transportation System Plan
The City of Arvada is studying the current condition of our city-wide transportation network to inform Arvada’s first “Transportation System Plan.” This plan will include optimization opportunities for roads, sidewalks, bus routes, rail stops, and trails throughout the city. A key part of this process is collecting public input.
Arvada residents recently identified transportation-related challenges as key issues in the 2022 Community Survey. Sixty-four percent (64%) of residents placed ‘street and sidewalk conditions’ as a top concern while ‘infrastructure and roads’ and ‘traffic’ weren’t far behind.
Thank you for providing your feedback on the state of transportation in Arvada. Stay tuned for the next round of community engagement in 2024!
From July 12 to Oct. 1, 2023, we invited community members to share their feedback on their experiences with the state of the City's transportation system (roads, sidewalks, bus routes, rail stops, and trails) and share ideas for improvement.
The project team is analyzing this feedback alongside technical data to create a draft plan with recommended priorities, which will be completed in 2024. The project team will then open the second round of community engagement and invite you to share your feedback on the draft plan and recommended priorities. Please stay tuned for this opportunity later in 2024.
Thank you to everyone who participated and shared their feedback in the first round of community engagement.
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Who's Listening
Katie Patterson
Infrastructure Communications Manager
Mazedur Hossain
Traffic Engineering Manager