
Little Dry Creek Trail is part of a regional trail system that has a gap at Wadsworth Blvd (SH-121) and moves on-street between Vance Drive and Yarrow Street. Given the number of fatalities and injury incidents between motorists and non-motorists at the nearby signalized intersections, especially at Wadsworth (SH-121), the City of Arvada is initiating a planning project to evaluate trail connectivity and grade separation (moving the trail above or below the roadway) where the trail meets the road.

Project Purpose and Need

The project will study the Little Dry Creek Trail area between W. 77th Ave. and W. 80th Ave. and Vance Drive and Yarrow Street. The project will evaluate the connections for bike and pedestrian infrastructure improvements and how to minimize the level of stress for cyclists and pedestrians.

Goals and Objectives of the Project

  • Inclusive Community Process: The public input process will include the neighborhood, business owners, property owners, nearby schools, and other advocacy groups.

  • Reflect the Values of the Community: The project team will incorporate public input into the design considerations.

  • Plan for the Future: The project will provide a plan for future implementation as the City embarks on a larger, citywide effort for a transportation and multimodal plan.

Please note: Implementation of any changes will require coordination with regional partner agencies. This study will help the City advocate for resources to make future improvements that reflect community values.

CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

Little Dry Creek Study Survey

Thank you for sharing your feedback to help the project team better understand community values when prioritizing possibilities for future improvements in this area. We appreciate the time participants took to consider each route option and contribute their input.

This survey closed on Sunday, December 3, 2023.

Consultation has concluded.


Phase 1 (July to October 2023)

Assess current conditions in the area

Phase 2 (July to December 2023)

Develop design alternatives for consideration and community input

Phase 3 (January to June 2024)

Incorporate feedback and finalize preferred alternative

Phase 4 (June 2024)

Final report


Efforts to identify resources to implement changes

Whos Listening

Kellee Van Bruggen

Team member, Kellee Van Bruggen

Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator

City of Arvada

Email: kvanbruggen@arvada.org

Katie Patterson

Team member, Katie Patterson

Infrastructure Communications Manager

City of Arvada

Email: pw_workzone@arvada.org