Help Name Arvada's Newest Park!
Help Name Arvada's Newest Park!
Consultation has concluded.
Help Name Arvada's Newest Park
Consultation has concluded.
(External link)“Little Raven Park” chosen as the name for Arvada’s newest park
On April 17, 2023, the Arvada City Council passed a resolution(External link) to name Arvada’s newest park “Little Raven Park”. This park is located just north of the Van Bibber Creek Trail and southeast of the Ward Road and W. 58th Avenue intersection. The idea to name the park in honor of Arapaho Chief Little Raven was proposed by a member of the community who lives near the park. Little Raven was known as a peacemaker(External link) between native peoples of Colorado and white settlers in the 1800s.
Community engagement efforts to name the park
The City’s Parks team and the Arvada Park Advisory Committee (APAC) conducted a community engagement effort around naming the park via a Speak Up Arvada survey between Jan. 30 through Feb. 27, 2023. In the survey, community members could:
Select their preferred park name generated by APAC
Offer their own idea(s) for a park name
Show support for name ideas submitted by other community members
APAC reviewed the community's input and presented three recommendations to City Council on Monday, April 3: Strawberry Park (submitted as an option by APAC), Little Raven Park, and Vista Verde Park (both names submitted as ideas by community members). You can watch APAC’s presentation to the City Council.(External link) On Monday, April 17, the City Council passed a resolution to name the new park.
Thank you to everyone who shared their preferred park names, contributed their ideas, and supported the ideas of other community members!
We hope you’ll enjoy the many amenities at the park, including a multi-use play field, a shade pavilion with picnic tables, new playground equipment, native vegetation and open space, direct access to the Van Bibber Creek Trail and more. Stay tuned for a park naming ceremony later this year!
Visit the City’s website to learn more about the park name selection process.
Select your top park name choice from the list below. Check out the background and history of the area(External link) for more information on why these options were provided.
If you have your own idea for the new name for the park, select the 'Submit your idea for a park name' tab above to submit up to 5 name ideas. Submitted name ideas must follow criteria from the City's naming policy(External link). You can also "like" the ideas submitted by other community members.
The names with the most votes will be presented to the Arvada City Council for final consideration and selection. Thank you for participating in this survey! The survey will close on Feb. 27, 2023.
Arbolista Park: "Arbolista" is a Spanish word for arborist, or someone who specializes in planting and maintaining trees. This name is an homage to the history of the land where the SaBell tree nursey was once located.
Argonaut Park: Van Bibber Creek is named after Isaac Van Bibber, a man who settled a farm near the creek in 1859. Van Bibber is referred to as a "Colorado Argonaut," a term used for pioneers in search of gold.
SaBell Community Park: The new housing development surrounding the park is named after SaBell's Nursery, a tree nursey that was previously located in the area. The SaBell tree nursery was owned and operated by Wallace “Wally” SaBell(External link), who had a significant impact on the landscape industry both locally and nationally throughout his distinguished 65-year career.
Strawberry Park: Strawberries were one of the original crops grown along Van Bibber Creek, along with wheat, oats, corn and hay.
Who's Listening
Sean Star
Manager of Communications - Vibrant Community and Neighborhoods
City of Arvada
Arvada Park Advisory Committee (APAC)
City of Arvada