Rank Your Top 5 Initiatives

The Climate Action & Sustainability Plan will include a wide range of strategies, actions, and policies that address the following focus areas: Community Vitality and the Economy; Energy and the Built Environment; Land Use and Urban Design; Transportation; Waste Diversion and Water Quality and Conservation.

Following two rounds of community engagement, the project team has developed a list of potential initiatives, categorized by the focus areas, to include in the plan. For this portion of the project, we are asking you to rank your top five initiatives. 

Potential Climate Action and Sustainability Plan Initiatives

Question title

Using the list of options below, rank the top 5 initiatives across all focus areas that you think should be addressed in the plan:

Question title

Do you think we are missing anything?

Sign up for the Arvada sustainability newsletter to be kept up to date on the Plan and all things sustainability in Arvada! Updates are sent toward the end of each month. 
Community Open House - October 16

Join us at the Arvada Library in Olde Town Arvada for a open house community meeting! The project team will be presenting a draft of the plan to get final feedback from the community. 

Community Survey Question 3

August 12 to September 8

Kickoff at the Arvada Kite Festival

April 14

Community Survey Question 1

April 14 to June 9

Taste of Arvada

Visit our table to speak with the project team and provide feedback at Taste of Arvada on July 11!

Arvada On Tap

Visit our table to speak with the project team and provide feedback at Taste of Arvada on July 13!

Community Survey Question 2

June 24 to July 28

Potential Climate Action and Sustainability Plan Initiatives