Davis Lane Park Improvements
Davis Lane Park Improvements
The sewer line that runs underneath Davis Lane Park is reaching both the end of its useful life and capacity limits. In order to replace and upsize this section of sewer line, the tennis courts need to be removed. The sewer line runs directly underneath the tennis courts.
The City team is committed to improving the park upon completion of the project in a manner that is responsive to the interests of the local community who utilizes the park. Possible improvements could include:
Nature education and play area
Small recreation amenity
Gathering space
Pickleball / Tennis courts*
*Based on community feedback the feasibility of replacing tennis or pickball courts is being included for further discussion.
Once the sewer line project is complete, community feedback will help shape the planning for long-term improvements to the park.
Davis Lane Park Improvements - Round 2
In this round of engagement, we are asking the community to weigh various criteria and how they would apply to each potential park improvement option. Please take a few moments to fill out the survey...