In the following question you will be asked to rank your preference for the City's priority of investments in three broad categories. We have provided a brief explainer of each category and examples of some of the projects which would fall under these categories:

Vehicular 🚗🛣️🚦🌉

Vehicular investments include:

  • maintenance of existing roads, 
  • improvements to decrease travel times,
  • improvements to safety, 
  • improvements to intersections, 
  • and the construction of new roads and bridges.

Example images:

Active Transportation 🏃‍♀️👨‍🦽🚴

Active Transportation includes: 

  • improvements to and development of on- and off-street bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, shared-use paths, 
  • improvements to increase safety for bicyclists and pedestrians, 
  • and maintenance of existing bike lanes, trails, sidewalks, shared-use paths.

Example images:

Access to Transit 🚍🚆🛴

Investments in access to transit include:  

  • improving availability and access to services like the RTD G-Line, 
  • expanding service and improving access to buses, 
  • improving on-demand transit services like Access-a-Ride and Access-on-Demand, 
  • and creating infrastructure that increases first and last mile access to transit.

Example images:

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How would you prioritize these projects? Rank them from most important to least important:

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Now, within each category please rank your preference of the kinds of projects you'd most like to see:

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Vehicular 🚗🛣️🚦🌉

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Active Transportation 🏃‍♀️👨‍🦽🚴

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Access to Transit 🚍🚆🛴

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Annually, the city spends infrastructure funds on both Capital Improvement Projects and on maintenance of existing infrastructure. Adjust the slider to reflect your preference for how the City should balance its spending between new and existing infrastructure.

Capital Improvement Projects include new roads, trails, intersection improvements, road widening, sidewalks, etc.

Maintenance includes fixing potholes, repaving roads, signal maintenance, trail maintenance, etc.

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Is there any other feedback you'd like to share?

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