Sub-Area Planning: New Town

What is a sub-area plan, and where is the New Town sub-area?

A sub-area plan is a type of long range planning for a limited geographic area within the City. The City is developing specific area plans for many of the corridors and areas zoned for mixed-use development as part of the Land Development Code(External link).

The New Town Sub-Area(External link) includes the commercial areas along Wadsworth Boulevard and Bypass between the G Line tracks on the north and Interstate 70 on the south. The Arvada Marketplace shopping center along 52nd Avenue is also included.

Thank you for leaving your final comments on the the draft sub-area plan

As the Sub-Area Planning team designed the draft framework and recommendations for the New Town Sub-Area Plan, they conducted community engagement and incorporated public feedback to develop the framework. The draft sub-area framework and recommendations were presented at Community Open Houses on July 26, 2022 and July 28, 2022 and then presented to the Planning Commission and the Arvada City Council in August 2022. Watch this video of the team's presentation(External link) (it beings at 36:34) to the Arvada City Council on Aug. 8, 2022 to learn more about how your Speak Up Arvada feedback and other community input informed the draft framework and recommendations. 

Using the draft framework and informed by community feedback, the Sub-Area Planning team created the draft New Town Sub-Area plan(External link) and shared it with the community for final comments. The comment period is now closed and the team is reviewing your feedback. Thank you for sharing your input with us! The final draft document will be presented to the Planning Commission and City Council early this year.

For more information and updates, we invite you to visit the Advance Arvada(External link) website.


Question title

New Town Sub-Area Plan - Opportunities and Challenges

Use the map to highlight places and comment to identify Opportunities and Challenges in the New Town area. To get started, click the plus symbol (+) on the left and place a pin at a location in the study area.

Opportunities are considered ideas that build off the strengths, locations, or assets of the area to help develop the focus and long term vision.

Challenges are considered ideas or locations of the area that may be deficient or difficult to develop the focus and long term vision.


Question title

How important is it to keep an area one form of building design or architecture?

very important
slightly important
not that important
not important at all
Closed to responses


Question title

Visual Preference Survey

Consultation has concluded

Closed for Comments


Community Open House

July 26, 2022

Speak Up Arvada Survey #2

September 2021

Open House

August 11, 2021

Speak Up Arvada Survey #1

April 2021

Public Community Meeting

February 11, 2021

Who's Listening

Advance Arvada Long Range Planning Team

Core Group

City of Arvada

Team member, Advance Arvada Long Range Planning Team