Davis Lane Park Improvements - Round 2
Davis Lane Park Improvements - Round 2
In this round of engagement, we are asking the community to weigh various criteria and how they would apply to each potential park improvement option. Please take a few moments to fill out the survey so that the City can make an informed decision about the future of Davis Lane Park. Feedback will be incorporated into planning for the future park improvements. Updates will be provided as the planning process progresses.
This survey closed on Wednesday, October 9. Thank you for your feedback. Please subscribe to updates on the project landing page if you'd like to receive future email updates about this project.
If you were unable to attend the community meeting on Sept. 25, please watch the brief presentation video below prior to completing the survey. This information will help build understanding to more effectively respond to the survey questions. After watching the video or attending the meeting, please continue to step 2 to answer the first set of questions.
The City strives to provide accessible digital assets. To request reasonable accommodations for accessibility visit the City's webpage: ArvadaCO.gov/Accessibility
Survey Results
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